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10 valuable tips for optimizing an e-commerce landing page quickly

If you have an e-commerce site to develop your commercial activity, it's advisable to create a landing page to improve your sales.Β 

In fact, the landing page is an excellent conversion lever that shouldn't be ignored.Β 


This can be done by validating a shopping cart, downloading a file or submitting contact information via a form.


In e-commerce, the goal is shopping cart placement, conversion and purchase.


To achieve concrete results, you need to optimize your landing page according to professional recommendations.Β 


This is a crucial step in maximizing the results of acquisition marketing campaigns.Β 


It should be noted that landing page optimization is essential to complete traffic acquisition in order to generate sales through your showcase or e-commerce site.


We've put together a list of 10 valuable tips for setting up an optimal landing page.

What exactly is a landing page?


What's a landing page?


Landing pages are designed to help potential customers convert.Β 


It's important to understand thatthis is not a home page.Β 


The aim of the landing page is toencourage the visitor to perform a specific, well-definedaction. The action varies according to the marketing strategy and the objective to be achieved.Β 


Here are the different types of landing pages you can create:


- The e-commerce landing page: encourages visitors to purchase the service or products presented, with prices.


- A landing page for lead generation: suitable for offering trials or subscriptions, or access to special resources, private sales or promotional offers. To take advantage of these offers, visitors must complete a form and enter their contact details.


- A landing page to establish an informal relationship: by collecting contact information from the web user, you can send them informative emails about your products and services to encourage them to buy.


- A landing page to apply for membership: the web user registers to access a service


The type of landing page to be created depends on the company's objectives: it must be adapted to the conversion strategies to be implemented.


How do you create a landing page?


Creating a landing page isn't something you can improvise.Β 

The first step is to understand the marketing target by analyzing how it works and how it thinks.Β 


To be sure of creating an optimal landing page, follow these recommendations:


- Use a catchy title and subtitles that grab the attention of potential customers


- As part of an e-commerce landing page, be sure to highlight all product content and attributes: quality visuals, detailed description, transparency and traceability.


- Check the landing page's trust indicators or KPIs: customer reviews, statistics, security badges, rewards, transparency on privacy policy and terms of sale, etc. They'll improve your interface and reinforce web users' trust.


- Highlight the benefits and added value of your sales offer


- The call-to-action or "call to action" is an essential part of achieving your landing page objectives. It must be concise and colorful to catch the user's eye.


How to optimize an e-commerce landing page quickly: 10 valuable tips


If you want to optimize your e-commerce landing page, follow the experts' advice.Β 


Whether you have a Shopify, Wordpress, Prestashop or Woocommerce site, you can create a more successful landing page by following these recommendations.


Tip 1: Define the objective of your landing page


Once you've determined your objective, you need to focus the visitor's attention on this single point.Β 

In other words, put a single message in a single offer dedicated to a well-defined target.Β 


For example, if your landing page is created to collect personal data, offer a document that answers the questions of your target audience in return for the information they enter in the collection form.


If you want an e-commerce landing page to sell one or more products, highlight your proposition by presenting it as a solution to the problem your potential customers may be facing.


Put together a solid sales pitch before making a Call to Action.


As a general rule, the landing page is totally independent of the WordPress, Shopify or Woocommerce e-commerce site, and serves only one specific purpose.Β 


Whatever the case, it's always important to maintain the brand's identity, so that customers can always recognize the brand.


πŸ‘‰ See also: E-commerce: Which product flow manager should you choose?


Tip 2: Focus on the user experience and the customer journey


TheUX or user experience is an essential element in guaranteeing the performance of your e-commerce business.Β 


The process is identical for your landing page.Β 


Put yourself in the visitor's shoes to identify any improvements that need to be made to optimize the e-commerce landing page and customer journey.Β 


Be responsive when it comes to answering your potential customers' questions.


Tip 3: Create a mobile-friendly landing page


Many Internet users consult offers on their mobile devices and tablets.Β 

That's why it's a good idea to pay particular attention to the responsiveness of your e-commerce landing page.


What's more, the most popular search engines like Google favor sites that are compatible with mobile devices when displaying search results, also known as SERPs.


πŸ‘‰ See also: How to accelerate your e-commerce with Product Listing Ads?

Tip 4: Visual communication is a must


Visuals such as photos or videos increase the conversion rate of a landing page by up to 80%, according to Unbounce.Β 


The landing page must reflect the visual appeal of the e-commerce site. While this may seem obvious, some merchants may overlook points that are essential to the design of their landing page.Β 


The colors used should be harmonized, write concise, impactful headlines and simplify navigation on the landing page by favoring a minimalist design. Don't forget to include photos or a video.


Tip 5: Communicate using social networks, newsletters and online advertising


Maximize the visibility of your landing pages by using Facebook Ads from Meta Business, for example.Β 


This method is effective for targeting users of mobile devices.Β 


If you already havea mailing list, you can inform your contacts directly so that they can access your landing pages.


πŸ‘‰ Read also: Advantage+ Shopping campaigns on Facebook: how they work, benefits and limitations


Tip 6: Make your arguments clear and easy to understand


The landing page must convince the visitor to take action to achieve the pre-defined objective.

For example, if the conversion page is to encourage the customer to buy your products, you need to present your products as a solution to their problems.Β 


Reading the landing page should help them understand all the benefits they can derive from this action, and the value of your offer.


It's best to start with 3 key arguments.Β 


Then follow up with attractive headlines. Set out the essential ideas with a focus on interesting content.Β 


Feel free to use bulleted or numbered lists to make them easier to read.


Tip 7: Reassurance is a key element of your landing page


Remember, the visitor is visiting your landing page because your Google Ads, Instagram Ads, Facebook Ads or other lever has caught their attention.


We know they're interested in your offer. Now we need to turn that interest into a conviction to commit.Β 


For best results, use reassurance elements such as customer reviews, known customers, press coverage of your brand and any other information that might reassure the surfer.


πŸ‘‰ See also: 12 simple tips to improve your Google Shopping ranking

Tip 8: Don't insert outbound links


When visitors arrive at your landing page, they should have only two options: to enter the sales tunnel, or to give up.


For this reason, links should not be inserted into the content presented.Β 


If you must, keep the number of links to a minimum and make them as inconspicuous as possible.


The landing page should contain only the essentials: logo, contact details, baseline.Β 


Even for the footer, propose a lighter version. Don't include any outbound links that might slow down the intent to buy.


Tip 9: Create an easy-to-complete form


If your call-to-action is a registration form, there are a few tips to follow to ensure conversion.

To make it easier for visitors to convert, create an effective form to obtain their contact information.Β 


Insert the form above the waterline.Β 


Write concise, easy-to-understand content to get lots of leads, prospects, registrations or new customers.Β 


On the other hand, if you're looking for a more qualified landing page form, opt for longer content.


So you need to define the most suitable model, taking into account the profile of the potential buyer you're interested in.Β 


The drop-down menu with radio buttons not only facilitates data processing, but also helps visitors to complete the form more quickly.


Tip 10: Perform several tests


When you create an e-commerce landing page, you can optimize it by performing A/B testing before and after publication.Β 


Testing the page will help you improve it and increase its performance. Focus on the most important elements, such as headlines, call-to-actions and page design features.


The heat map is another analysis method worth considering, as it will reveal information about the behavior of visitors to your landing page.Β 


For example, if you've placed several CTAs (Call to Action) on the page, you'll know which one is the most effective.


Bonus: A product landing page to boost e-commerce revenues


On an e-commerce site, the average bounce rate on product pages is very high. It's between 70% and 80%.


In concrete terms, more than three quarters of an e-commerce site's media budget does not result in a purchase conversion.


Depending on the size of your product catalog, your target audience and the expected experience, it's important to set up specific landing pages for your media campaigns.


With our DataΓ―ads technology, you can set up alternative landing pages to your product page or product collection.Β 


The goal?Β 


Improve conversion on the product page for media campaigns by adding navigation context, shopping experience facilitation, AI-powered product recommendations to your original page.


Many brands have already adopted our technology to boost the results of their media campaigns on Google Shopping or social networks like facebook or instagram.


* * * * *


As you've probably guessed by now, creating and optimizing an e-commerce landing page takes time and expertise.


Improving conversion offers e-merchants the opportunity tosignificantly boost their revenues.


Written by
Alexandre Oudart

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