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12 simple tips to improve your Google Shopping ranking

When it comes to Google Shopping SEO, opinions are unanimous. To boost e-commerce sales, it's imperative tohave a good reputation with Google.Β 



So, what is Google Shopping? It's actually a powerful platform, if not the best in its class.


It provides retailers with an online shop window worthy of the name.


A showcase through which they can present their products explicitly, directly and, above all, attractively. Unfortunately, to sell, it's not enough to simply put your products online.Β 


You need to capture customers' attention and be more popular with major search engines such as Bing, Yahoo and, above all, Google, hence the importance of Google Shopping SEO.


How do you go about it? What tips and techniques can you use to improve your online store's Google ranking?


We've put together 12 easy-to-apply tips to improve the visibility of your products on Google Shopping.

1. A comprehensive catalog

To get listed on Google Shopping, your product catalog will be your biggest asset.


You need to make sure it's as comprehensive as possible.


In other words, you'll need to ensure that all relevant information and details (descriptions, images, prices, any variations) about your products are included.Β 


Beyond the Google Shopping referencing aspect, a well-stocked catalog will give web usersa very good browsing experience.


Better still, this effort at synthesis and precision is much appreciated by Google. It is likely to ease the burden on the algorithms when it comes to indexing.Β 


By doing so, your offer will be easily understood and your business better positioned. Don't neglect to update your catalog regularly. For Google, this is a sign of activity and relevance.





2. Have a catchy product title

Your product titles have a lot to do with your Google Shopping ranking.


A title that's both catchy and descriptive will attract users' attention and encourage them to click on your product.Β 


To ensure that your title complies with the codes, check the following points:


  • Relevant keywords such as brand, model, color
  • A sales formula
  • And any other important information that may be of interest to the customer


For example, rather than simply putting"Men's Jacket", choose"Men's Jacket Prada Creations 2023 - Black".Β 


Not only is this title more descriptive, it's also optimized for search engines. It's more likely to increase your chances of being well referenced.


Also, it's particularly important to ensure that the main keywords appear at the beginning of the title to maximize their SEO impact. Finally, beware of titles that are too long or cluttered with superfluous terms.Β 


Any retailer who knows how Google Shopping works knows that this kind of practice dilutes the importance of the main keywords.


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3. Careful product photography for good Google Shopping ranking

In this world, high-quality images make all the difference in terms of conversion.




Many retailers don't seem to realize it, but product photos are one of the first things potential customers notice.


For this reason,they need to be sharp, well-lit and illustrative of the product from several angles.


Google is renowned for only favoring ads with clear, attractive images.


Don't use generic or poor-quality images. They can damage your credibility.Β 


Don't forget tooptimize image size for fast loading.Β 


This is a key factor for user experience and Google Shopping ranking.


Final tip: name your images correctly to improve your Google ranking. Image naming improves your ranking, especially in Google Images.

4. Propose a complete product description

As mentioned above, the product description is not to be neglected.


A complete and, above all, well-written product description is one that provides all the information the customer needs to make an informed purchasing decision.Β 


It's essential to include details such as technical specifications, as well as product features and benefits.


To sell on Google Shopping, use clear language to describe your products.Β 


Don't use overly complex technical jargon. Use relevant keywords in a natural way to optimize your products' Google Shopping ranking.


5. Price, a key factor in Google Shopping referencing

If you really want to optimize your Google Shopping listing, you need to offer competitive prices while guaranteeing a good profit margin.



Google favors ads with attractive, clearly marked prices. Always update your prices.Β 


Don't forget to include all applicable taxes and delivery charges.


To stay ahead of the competition, use dynamic pricing strategies.


Highlight promotions and discounts to attract more clicks and conversions.Β 


A well-positioned price not only guarantees a higher ranking on Google Shopping, but also the likelihood of being preferred to other sellers.


6. Special offers

Special offers are a great way to attract customers' attention and get listed on Google for free.Β 


Always highlight your special offers in your product titles and descriptions to maximize their visibility on Google.


Use the promotional tags available in Google Merchant Center to flag up special offers and improve your Google Shopping ranking.


The combination of these strategies willincrease the click-through rate on your ads and improve your sales.Β 


Special offers not only attract customers, but also show Google your regularity and commitment.


7. Promote new products and bestsellers

As a general rule, popular and recent products often attract more clicks and conversions.



Opt for highlighting new articles to improve your ranking in search results.Β 


Opt for specific labels to identify your new products and bestsellers in Google Merchant Center.


Include this information in your product titles (meta-titles, meta-descriptions) and descriptions to maximize their visibility and improve your site's Google ranking.


We advise you to explore the data structuring information on Google Merchant Center for more details.


In addition, many SEO specialists recommend the use of targeted advertising campaigns to promote these products and increase their visibility and appeal.Β 


Google loves a dynamic, relevant catalog. As a result, your Google Shopping ranking will be all the better.


8. Get positive Google reviews

The issue of positive Google reviews in Google Shopping is a key one.Β 


Customer reviews are social proof and tend to exert enormous pressure on purchasing decisions.Β 


Google takes this into account in its ranking algorithm. As a result, products with lots of positive feedback are ranked higher.


Make it a habit and ask your satisfied customers to leave Google Shopping reviews of your products.Β 


You can do this by sending them post-purchase follow-ups, or by incentivizing them with a discount policy on future purchases.Β 


In turn, as a retailer, take care to respond to reviews. Whether positive or negative, you'll demonstrate your ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction.Β 


Your Google Shopping ranking will be even better.


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9. Mobile optimization for excellent Google Shopping ranking

Referencing your business on Google also means creating a responsive mobile interface.



The figures are clear. Today, around 60% of Google searches are carried out from mobile devices.Β 


This being the case, it's only logical that an e-commerce site should be perfectly optimized for mobile devices.


From images to text, everything must be clear and visible, whatever the screen size.


Using several smartphones, test your site to identify and rectify any problems.Β 


The checkout process must not be left out of the tests. More than ever, it needs to be as simple and fluid as possible to ensure successful Google Shopping referencing.


10. Take care of the landing page

How to improve your Google ranking?


For those of you who don't know, the landing page is the destination page after a click on your shopping ad.Β 


When this page is well designed, it inturn improves the conversion rate. This, in turn, improves Google Shopping ranking.


In the same spirit of relevance and seriousness, you need to rely on high-quality images and detailed descriptions. This will convince users of the value of your product.


It's also advisable to optimize the shopping experience to increase the number of visits to the shopping cart and limit the bounce rate.


To achieve this, the strategies proposed by DataΓ―ads technology are paid for, such as an "Add to basket" button always displayed at the bottom of the screen.Β 


Or personalized product recommendations based on browsing origin, context or customer preferences.


Last but not least, the page must be quick to load and easy to navigate.


11. Use data to personalize the experience

Your customers' behavioral and purchasing data is a considerable source of information.



All you need to do is analyze them properly to offer personalized product recommendations and targeted promotions.


Google particularly values personalized user experiences.


It's an approach to be exploited for better Google Shopping referencing of your business.Β 


Use analytics to understand your customers' preferences and adjust your offer accordingly.Β 


For example, if a customer has bought an Adidas sports shoe, you can suggest complementary products such as socks or related laces.


12. Track results and optimize your Google Shopping listing

Once the lights are green, it's vital to maintain and, what's more, perfect your Google Shopping ranking.


Monitoring results and continuous optimization are the essential levers for this.Β 


With analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Google Merchant Center, you can easily monitor the performance of your ads and identify areas for improvement.


Keep an eye on key indicators such as click-through rate, cost per click and conversion rate. Google Shopping categories will enable you toevaluate your sales performance by productcategory.Β 


As for Google Shopping avis, use it to keep an eye on your customer feedback.



Analyzing all this data will help you understand what's working and what's not.Β 


Ads with a high click-through rate, but a low conversion rate, may indicate a problem with the landing page or product descriptions.Β 


Test different strategies, such as changing product titles, adjusting prices or improving images, to see what generates the best results.


Continuous optimization is an iterative process. Stay observant and adapt your Google Shopping strategies according to the data.Β 


This is the only way to gradually improve your performance on Google Shopping.


Better performance means excellent product referencing, maximized sales and therefore good profitability.


* * * * *Β 


In conclusion, improving your Google Shopping ranking is essential for any e-commerce site wishing to maximize online sales.Β 


How do you boost your site's Google ranking?


The key is a quality approach that incorporates catchy product titles, comprehensive descriptions, high-quality images and competitive pricing.Β 


Every element of your catalog must be carefully and regularly updated to remain relevant in the eyes of Google and attract the attention of potential customers.


Using data to personalize the customer experience, and tracking results to continuously optimize the shopping experience, are essential practices for maintaining high conversion rates.Β 


By effectively exploiting the available analysis tools, you can adjust your strategies and improve your campaigns based on user feedback and behavior.Β 


Thanks to these sustained efforts, your online store will be better referenced, your products more visible and your sales steadily increasing.


Written by
Alexandre Oudart

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