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The different types of Google Shopping feeds: everything you need to know

The Google Shopping feed is a tool that enables e-tailers to increase the visibility of their products. It's an important tool for boosting sales in a saturated market.



In fact, feeds help customers who are genuinely interested to find the products they want at the most opportune moment.


Main feed, additional feed, promotion feed, product review feed: we've listed the 7 Google Shopping feeds that help you highlight your offers.


This will significantly improve your sales.


Discover the Google Shopping feed management techniques that will help you establish your reputation in your industry.


Feed 1: Google Merchant Center: Google Shopping's main feed


By completing the structured data file in the main Google Merchant Center feed, you provide comprehensive information on the products you sell.


Google will then be able to display these products not only in search results, but also in Shopping ads and other e-commerce services.


In this way, the customer will have a sufficient overview, with a supporting photo and a short description.


The Google Shopping feed gives you additional visibility through products that match your searches.


By carefully describing your products, you can make a name for yourself in a world where all e-tailers are fighting for the attention of potential customers.Β 


Google Shopping is a virtual showcase for your products.



Feed no. 2: The additional Google Shopping feed for greater visibility


You have set up a main feed in Google Merchant Center ? Go on to the next step.


Refine your product information using additional feeds.Β 


When essential information is indicated using the main feed, complete it with details using the supplementary feeds.Β 


These additional feeds are optional, but they help you optimize your data or rectify possible inconsistencies.Β 


As a result, your product listings are improved and always up to date in comparison with what is presented on your e-commerce site.


Read also: How to accelerate your e-commerce with Product Listing Ads?

What are the key components of Google Shopping supplementary feeds?


To ensure that your supplementary feeds optimize the quality of your Google ads, you need to pay attention to the following points:


- Complete your feeds with additional attributes such as unique identifiers, additional product images or customized labels.


- Additional feeds can also be used to rectify errors in product details. You can provide more information and update data on a regular basis.


Why do you need additional feeds from Google Shopping?


Supplementary feeds are invaluable for enriching product data with detailed descriptions, customer reviews, promotional offers and images.Β 


All this information will increase your visibility in Google Shopping search results and grab the attention of your potential customers.


Feed #3: The local stock ad feed to boost your offline sales


According to figures from a Google study, over 50% of Internet users visit a local store within a week of an online search.



With the local stock ad feed, you can improve your sales strategy by combining online and in-store sales.Β 


It's a good idea to provide information such as the exact location of the store, the availability of each product presented, i.e. stock levels, and the price.


πŸ‘‰ Find out more: How can I optimize the conversion of Google Local Inventory Ads?

Flow nΒ°4: The product review flow to win the trust of potential customers


The opinions of people who have already tried or used a product or service are important because they will help other Internet users to make a better choice.Β 


In this way, online reviews help to increase or reduce a retailer's sales.


The product reviews feed is a Google Shopping tool that will help you convert potential customers in the comparison phase. It also helps to strengthen your store's reputation.Β 


Don't hesitate to use it to post customer reviews of products featured on Google Merchant Center.Β 


Internet users will then be able to consult the ratings and reviews in your ads, and this information is essential because it will help them in their decision-making.


Boost customer confidence with product review feeds


The product rating feed consists of evaluation data such as star ratings, overall satisfaction scores and written comments.Β 


It's essential that the feed attributes each notice to its source.Β 


Indeed, this detail will confirm the authenticity of the returns and increase consumer confidence.


The benefits of the product reviews feed


When you complete the product review feed section of Google Merchant Center, positive reviews will help increase the credibility of your products with potential customers.Β 


The conversion rate will increase thanks to the climate of trust that will be created.


Moreover, reviews include important information that new customers appreciate becauseit will help them make up their minds.Β 


In general, Internet users who have tried the product will share their experience.


How do I get customer reviews?


If you want reviews attributable to a source, you can ask satisfied buyers to send you an e-mail to share their experience of the products they've tried or are used to using.Β 


You can also use the Google Customer Reviews program to have reviews posted on your website automatically synchronized with Google Merchant Center.


Flow nΒ°5: The flow of promotions for more sales


Strengthen your online advertising by attracting prospects' attention with promotional offers.Β 



The flow of e-commerce promotions is an effective catalyst for your company to stand out from the crowd: when they see your promotional insert, web users will click to buy at the best price.


By offering promotions, discounts or special offers with your product listings on Google Shopping, you'll be the center of attention.Β 


Take the time to detail information on promotions for better visibility.


What should you include in your promotions flow?


To make your promotions flow clearly and easily, give details of your promotions, indicating the percentage discount, the amount of the discount, the promotional code or the terms of free delivery.Β 


In your Google Shopping feed management, we strongly recommend that you specify the start and end dates of promotions, as well as any conditions and restrictions.


By publishing promotions, you attract more buyers to your e-commerce site, who can take advantage of more affordable prices to meet their needs.Β 


The promotion flow is therefore a win-win situation for both parties.


Promotion feeds: what are the benefits for your Google shopping feed?


When your promotional offers are clearly visible in Google Shopping search results, interested web users will click on your products to obtain further information.Β 


You'll see your website traffic and sales opportunities increase.Β 


Promotions also help improve the ROI - Return on Investment - of your media buying campaigns on Google.


Flow nΒ°6: The dynamic remarketing flow for a personalized shopping experience


Impress your audience with personalized ads: dynamic remarketing is the technique you need to present your products or services as the ultimate solution your customers are looking for.



What to put in a dynamic remarketing feed


Your dynamic remarketing feed must include user interaction data so that you can see which products have been viewed, added to the shopping cart or purchased.Β 


This information will help you better respond to your customers' needs and design personalized ads or advertising messages.


What are the advantages of dynamic remarketing?


Not only do you increase the conversion rate of new customers, but you also build up their loyalty by presenting them with products that meet their needs.Β 


When you display relevant articles, the customer feels confident and is sure to return to your website to make a purchase.


The dynamic remarketing flow guarantees the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.Β 


In fact, you can target each category of consumer with products that really interest them.Β 


This tool helps you reduce your advertising budget while guaranteeing a higher return on investment.


If you want to personalize your customers' shopping experience to engage them further, dynamic remarketing is for you.


Flux nΒ°7: The Flux Manufacturer Center to show your products at their best


Through this tool, product manufacturers and brand owners can provide comprehensive information and control this data across Google's various services, including Google Shopping.


Through the Manufacturer Center feed, manufacturers can provide more precise descriptions of their products.Β 


They can update the information regularly to ensure that it is always complete.


Manufacturers or brand owners may provide product names, descriptions and identifiers such as trade numbers or manufacturer's part numbers.Β 


It's also possible to highlight the attributes, functionalities and usefulness of each product.


* * * * *


As you can see, Google Shopping is an essential tool for developing your business and boosting awareness of your online store.


It's worth knowing about the different Google Shopping feeds that ensure your entire catalog is listed on Google tools.Β 


Most importantly, by using these feeds your brand ensures that products, stock, attributes and promotions are constantly updated on the most popular search platform's media campaigns.


Improve your communication with a controlled budget in definable geographical areas. Now that you know how to manage the main Google Shopping feeds, it's time to get started, and enjoy all the advantages mentioned above.

Written by
Alexandre Oudart

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