🔥 Success Story Claudie Pierlot: +36% transactions from Shopping Advantage+ campaigns on Meta

[Dataïads & Feed Manager] The ultimate checklist for a successful Q4 with Performance Max

Find out how to optimize your product feeds and maximize your search Q4 investment in this groundbreaking webinar with Johann Lucas, Head of Sales at Feed Manager (Labelium), and Raphael Grandemange, CEO of Dataiads. Get invaluable advice based on case studies from France's top e-commerce players on how to :

  • Increase the impressions of your PLA campaigns with Performance Max
  • Reduce the CPC and bounce rate of your PDPs
  • Boost the conversion rate and profitability of your campaigns.

Q4 represents sales catalysts for e-retailers, increasing purchasing opportunities for customers, but also competition between brands: on the price terrain as well as visibility through SEA advertising, Shopping, especially Performance Max. In this period of high stakes sales & profitability, the quality of the product feed, gathering vital information such as stocks and prices which change regularly, etc., has a great influence on the performance of Performance Max campaigns. Andwith 1/2 of all product searches starting on a search engine, how do you boost the effectiveness and ROI of PLA campaigns while taking advantage of the increase in traffic? Post-click optimization has become essential in order to convert more ad clicks into customers by offering an individualized and optimized experience in real time thanks to a healthy product feed.
Don't miss this opportunity and download the webinar replay now to benefit from the actionable advice of these two experts.

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