πŸ”₯ Success Story Claudie Pierlot: +36% transactions from Shopping Advantage+ campaigns on Meta

10 e-commerce acquisition channels to boost your sales

Welcome to the wonderful world of e-commerce, where customer acquisition is the coveted Holy Grail ✨


As we all know, attracting new visitors to your site is a daily challenge.


Whether you're a seasoned e-merchant or a beginner looking for success, mastering the various acquisition channels is essential to increasing your visibility and sales.


Imagine an explosive cocktail of Google AdWords, social networks, Google Shopping, account-based marketing (ABM), loyalty programs, hard-hitting ads and sharp SEO techniques.Β 


Each channel represents a real opportunity to attract and convert your prospects.


In this article, we'll explore these 10 essential e-commerce acquisition channels in detail.Β 


Ready to boost your sales? Let's get started!


1. Paid campaigns

Google Ads


With Google Ads, use real-time bidding to target specific keywords, appear at the top of Google search results and maximize your ROI with optimized, attractive ads.


Ad extensions add links, call-outs and customer reviews, making your ads more visible and engaging.Β 


Ideal for boosting your visibility, site traffic and sales.

Facebook and Instagram Ads


With ultra-precise targeting options, Facebook and Instagram ads help you reach your ideal audience in the blink of an eye.Β 


Target by age, gender, interests, behaviors and more to maximize engagement.


Photos, carousels, videos, stories: advertising formats are varied and bring the possibility of finding the right balance to convert into a purchase on your site.

Bing Ads


Bing is Microsoft's search engine, whose commercial opportunities are often downplayed by brands.Β 


Less competition, lower CPCs and a different audience to maximize your advertising budget. Bing is used by a more mature, professional audience.Β 


With similar features to Google Ads, such as keyword targeting and remarketing campaigns, but less saturation, Bing offers a unique opportunity to reach an often overlooked segment.


Use Bing's analytics tools to optimize your campaigns. Ideal for balancing your advertising investment πŸ’‘

2. Shopping platforms


When it comes to e-commerce acquisition, marketplaces are the Swiss army knives in your toolbox: they can do it all!Β 


They offer increased visibility, attract qualified traffic and facilitate purchasing.

Google Shopping


Google Shopping is one of the most important shop windows for brands selling physical products such as fashion, cosmetics and homeware.


Benefit from the broad or precise searches of users of Google Search, the world's leading search engine, to promote your products.Β 


Depending on the keywords entered, potential customers see your products with images, prices and reviews directly in the search results.Β 


More visibility, more clicks. More clicks, more sales!


Track performance, adjust strategies in real time and take advantage of automated campaigns.Β 


Simple and effective to boost your ROI. πŸš€



Amazon, the e-commerce giant, needs no introduction.


Express delivery, a comprehensive catalog, premium service with Amazon Prime: the American platform offers a host of top-quality e-commerce services, attracting customers from all over the world.


Operating like a marketplace, the site enables you to use analysis tools to optimize your product flows, improve the visibility of your products and maximize your sales.


A golden opportunity to increase your sales.



Ideal for designers and artisans, Etsy is a second-hand platform that lets you create a personalized store.


The strength of the platform is that it allows you tointeract with a passionate community, helping you to quickly make a name for yourself.Β 


The site focuses on handmade and vintage products that are sure to find a following in no time.

3. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest: social networks accelerate their impact on e-commerce


Social networks act as springboards for e-commerce brands: they enable you to make your voice heard and reach a wider audience of potential customers.


Thanks to precise targeting capabilities, they captivate audiences and maximize conversions.



On Facebook, target users according to their interests, behaviors and even eating habits.



It's the realm of personalization. Varied and engaging advertising formats such as videos, carousels and dynamic ads captivate audiences.Β 


Combine these formats with clear calls to action to maximize engagement and conversions 🎯


πŸ‘‰ Read also: Advantage+ Shopping campaigns on Facebook: how they work, benefits and limitations



Long resistant to e-commerce, Instagram remains the social network temple of aesthetics.


The platform, owned by Meta, has been stepping up its focus on Shopping functionalities for several years now.


The mobile-first app encourages e-commerce brands to create campaigns based on inspiring experiences with engaging photos, videos and stories.Β 


Fan acquisition, remarketing or traffic generation campaigns: create an army of followers who are ambassadors for your brand.Β 


Instagram shopping features highlight your products, generate personalized recommendations and simplify the in-app purchase journey.

TikTok: The short video revolution


TikTok is the platform that has made its mark with short, punchy videos.


Perfect for reaching a young, dynamic audience.


But not only that, the average age is steadily increasing: 15-24 year-olds account for just 40% of regular users of the platform, according to Meltwater.


TikTok's shopping features open up new opportunities for e-commerce brands: co-creation with designers, personalized product recommendations in the "For You" section.


Product links, live shopping, Video Shopping Ads: the platform offers many high-quality advertising to promote your products.


We invite you to visit the hashtag #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt to explore the TikTok community's culture of recommendation.


The application invites e-commerce brands to deploy a healthy dose of creativity.Β 


The result? The chance to create a buzz in no time.

Pinterest: Inspiration at your fingertips


Pinterest is the social platform for inspiration.


Your products can become the stars of users' inspiration boards. Beauty, decoration, home improvement, fashion, well-being: e-commerce brands find their communities and generate sales.


Brand awareness, sales development, offline sales: the application offers a wide range of advertising formats for brands.Β 


With highly visual formats, inserted into users' personalized feeds, sponsored pins attract traffic directly to your site.

Launch an influencer campaign on social networks


An explosion in marketing strategies, brand collaboration with influencers enables us to benefit from their loyal audiences, who trust the recommendations of these new ambassadors.


These new marketing relays for brands have a loyal audience who trust their recommendations, creating quality content you might not have thought of.Β 


It's word-of-mouth version 2.0, ideal for building credibility and boosting sales.

4. ABM: Account Based Marketing and email marketing

Account Based Marketing (ABM)

ABM is the art of targeting specific accounts with personalized messages.


By developing a strategy for building a customer base specific to your brand, you can deploy personalized communication campaigns.


By sending targeted communications to users based on whether or not they are active customers, you increase the chances of conversion and additional sales.


Email marketing is a timeless classic in e-commerce customer acquisition.Β 


Well-crafted newsletters, exclusive offers and automation campaigns can turn your prospects into loyal customers.

5. Developing a referral program: the power of word-of-mouth

A referral program lets you use your best customers to recommend your brand's products to their friends, with rewards to match.


Your existing customers who like your products naturally recommend them to their friends.Β 


Why not take the opportunity to accelerate the phenomenon? You reward them in return, so everyone wins!


In this way, your brand develops a network of satisfied and committed customers, and raises its profile.

6. TV, radio, media, billboards: classic advertising

Your brand can't underestimate the power of classic advertising.


TV, radio and billboard advertising still reach large audiences.


What's more, with popular new formats such as replay, podcasts or audios for radio, e-commerce brands can exploit many innovative sponsorship advertising formats .


Perfect for boosting brand awareness.

7. Digital advertising: Google Adwords, internet display, RS advertising, mobile geolocation

Google Adwords

Google Adwords, also known as Google Ads , is the key to appearing at the top of search results on the world's most widely used search engine.


Google's ads tool offers precise targeting and controlled costs. You can ensure a perfect return on investment for your brand.

Display internet

Web banner ads are like virtual billboards.Β 


They are perfect for attracting the attention of web users, targeting them according to the context on their computer or mobile.

Mobile geolocation

Geolocation advertising is the ultimate in local marketing.Β 


It allows you to target users according to their location in real time, ideal for local offers and specific promotions.Β 


For example, when a customer walks past one of your brand's boutiques.

8. Affiliation: The power of partnership πŸ’Ό

Affiliate programs enable you to work with partners who will promote your products.


It's a win-win strategy for increasing traffic and therefore sales on your website.

9. SEO or organic traffic generation

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, means optimizing your e-commerce site for search engines.


It's an effective way ofattracting qualified traffic without investing in advertising.Β 


When properly mastered, SEO helps develop your site's authority and ranking.


A profitable strategy to transform your online visibility!



Choose the keywords your customers and prospects are looking for to solve their needs.Β 


This step is the foundation of your SEO strategy, enabling your content to respond precisely to user queries and e-commerce acquisition standards.

Quality content

Producing quality content is essential.Β 


We're talking about reinforcing the organization of your site, categorizing your catalog and boosting product pages with content that will delight search engines.


Make sure that the visual content and text on your product pages are highly detailed and rich to offer added value to your visitors.Β 


Relevant content grabs attention and encourages users to convert and return.


Backlinks function as votes of confidence from other sites.Β 


The more you get, the more credibility your site gains in the eyes of search engines, improving your ranking.

10. Building an online community and review sites

You use a variety of channels to attract and convert customers, but have you thought about building your online community?Β 


An active audience changes everything in your e-commerce traffic acquisition.


It builds loyalty, creates lasting bonds and supports your marketing initiatives. Imagine loyal customers talking about your brand, sharing your content and defending you tooth and nail.Β 


Sounds dreamy, doesn't it? A close-knit group is your best ally for long-term success.

Review sites

Encourage your customers to leave reviews.Β 



Google Maps for stores, La fourchette for restaurants or TripAdvisor for hotels: today, reviews are a necessary reassurance for customers.


When reviews are positive, they boost your brand's credibility and attract new customers.Β 


Respond to reviews, whether positive or negative, to show you' re listening and committed.Β 


And above all, encourage satisfied customers to share their experience to attract even more prospects.

Forums and discussion groups

Participate actively in forums and discussion groups. Answer questions, share tips and establish yourself as an authority in your field.Β 


Create your own groups to bring your customers together around topics they're passionate about.Β 


Organize online events and webinars to further engage your community and offer them added value.


The more you get involved, the more loyal and active your community will be 🀝


* * * * *

Now you're ready to conquer the world of e-commerce!


By using these customer acquisition channels, you can attract, engage and convert your visitors into loyal customers. From Google Ads to creating online communities, every strategy brings you closer to success. 🌟


Remember: your e-commerce site is like a garden.


Make sure you plant the right seeds with a full and rich product flow, water it with targeted campaigns, nurture it with positive reviews and watch it blossom with engaged communities 🌻


For optimal e-commerce development, explore digital acquisition and e-commerce innovation. Ready for action?


Written by
Alexandre Oudart

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